

Factors That May Put You at Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease

Jun 01, 2022

Chronic Kidney Disease

Factors That May Put You at Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease has become an increasingly serious public health issue over the last few years. According to the CDC, 15% of US adults, or 37 million people, are estimated to have CKD. Kidney disease is also the 9th leading cause of death in the US, killing more people than breast cancer or prostate cancer. Therefore, it’s important to know its symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options.

What Is Chronic Kidney Disease?

Chronic kidney disease is a health problem that could lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and increased cardiovascular conditions. One way to reduce the chances of chronic kidney disease would be early intervention. It is best to identify individuals with an increased risk of kidney disease to achieve this.

See Also: Chronic Kidney Disease: How to Take Care of Yourself

Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease

Numerous risk factors can increase the chance of developing chronic kidney disease. Some factors can be modifiable, while others are non-modifiable.

The modifiable risk factor is associated with:

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  •  Type 1 diabetes, onset before the age of 20
  • Poor blood glucose control in individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  •  Smoking cigarettes further constricts renal blood vessels
  • Obesity contributes to hypertension and the risk of developing diabetes

Non-modifiable risk factors which are associated with chronic kidney diseases are:

1. Genetics

You may be liable for CKD as ESRD risk is three to nine times greater if you have a family member with ESRD.

2. Race

African Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians are at high risk for developing kidney disorders.

3. Age

Kidney disease has been more prevalent in those over 60 than the rest of the general population.

4. Low birth weight

It is associated with impaired kidney development, resulting in fewer and smaller nephrons.

Chronic Kidney Disease Stages

Your doctors may ask you to get your blood or urine tested to determine the stage of your chronic kidney disease. In severe cases, imaging tests and samples of kidney tissues are examined.

There are five stages of chronic kidney disease:





Normal to highly functioning kidney

>90 mL/min


Mild decrease in kidney function

60–89 mL/min


Mild-to-moderate decrease in kidney function

45–59 mL/min


Mild-to-moderate decrease in kidney function

30–44 mL/min


Severe decrease in kidney function

15–29 mL/min


Kidney failure

<15 mL/min

The table depicts the stages with a description that defines the working condition of the kidney, and the GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) level defines the percentage of the working kidney.

Treatment Options for Chronic Kidney Diseases

Unfortunately, chronic kidney diseases have no cure. However, there are various options available that can reduce symptoms to make you more comfortable in your daily life. They include:

1. High Blood Pressure Medications

People with kidney disease must be aware of high blood pressure. Your doctor might recommend medications to stabilize your blood pressure. High blood pressure medications can decrease kidney function and change electrolyte levels.

2. Medications to Relieve Swelling

Diuretics can help maintain the balance of fluids in your body because people with chronic kidney disease often retain fluids. This can lead to swollen legs and high blood pressure.

3. Medications to Lower Cholesterol Levels

You might be prescribed statins medications to lower your cholesterol. People with chronic kidney disease often have high levels of cholesterol, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Medications to Protect Your Bones

Calcium and vitamin D supplements can help prevent weak bones and lower your risk of bone damage. You might also take medication known as a phosphate binder to lower the amount of phosphate in your blood and protect your blood vessels from damage by calcium deposits.

See Also: What Are the Types and Causes of Kidney Disease?

5. A Lower Protein Diet

It minimizes waste products in your blood as your body processes protein from foods and creates waste products that need to be filtered. To lower the burden on the kidney, your doctor might prescribe you a balanced diet.

If you are experiencing any of the issues mentioned above and looking for a leading nephrologist in Indianapolis, contact us without any delay by scheduling an appointment with our experts.

Our board-certified nephrology physicians specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic kidney disease. We are committed to taking full care of your kidney health.

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